Out Of Line Foundation

Talent Clubs

This program is a mentoring that will be maintained for 2 years and will cause accelerated growth in a girl who has a talent, and we promote her growth in the chosen field.

We Make A Better Place For Girls

Our Talent Program Is Designed For Each Girl To Study

weeks talent club out of line

The Areas Of Knowledge They Study Are Distributed As Follows

Artistic activities develop creativity, improve patience, increase social and teamwork skills. art unlocks freedom of thinking and the confidence to be spontaneous.

Programming & Mathematics

Learning math teaches OOL girls to think logically and develop problem-solving and decision-making skills. math skills last for life and it is difficult to think of any area in life that doesn’t involve these skills.

According to the mschOOLs initiative of mobile world capital barcelona, the teaching of programming to children increases motivation, improves autonomy and encourages student creativity. it also prepares them for a labor market that increasingly demands more professionals in the area of TIC.


It is the language of business in all fields. therefore, the OOL girls will be ahead of other students and their future work opportunities will be enhanced. English encourages them to know other cultures, which allows them to increase their tolerance, to be curious about the knowledge of the world, to be independent and to take responsibility for their future.

Arts & History

Our electives allow the OOL girls to coexist in a better way with other children, establishing a more harmonious communication. in addition, it provides the following benefits:

1. Security: trust grows because they feel understood and immersed in a climate of help, collaboration and mutual respect.

2. Learning: the stage of literacy of the girl is more stimulated with music and the arts.

3. Concentration: arts and music increase the ability to focus and concentrate, which allows greater learning in subjects such as programming, English and others that require more attention.

Helping girls grow stronger every day.

Helping our girls impact the community, they win, their families and the world win